
Primary Exploration of the Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Pestilence Based on Yunqi Theory

  • 摘要: 深入挖掘研究历代医家运用运气学说辨证论治疫病的思想和方法,揭示运气学说在疫病防治中的应用规律和价值。阐释了时疫发病与运气学说的关系,指出了天、人、邪一体的疫病运气病因学说的科学性;分析了疫病的基本类型和代表方;认为运用运气学说辨证论治疫病的现代研究方向为:从天文气象-时间-地理等时空医学角度研究疫病发生的运气原理和规律。


    Abstract: This paper is to reveal the application laws and value of Yunqi theory in the prevention and treatment of pestilence and to discover the thoughts and methods of the ancient Chinese medicine doctors in the prevention and treatment of pestilence by applying Yunqi theory. This paper explains the scientificalness of pestilence Yunqi theory which is based on the holism of heaven, earth and human, and analyzes the basic types of pestilence and typical formula. It is considered that the modern research orientation of the prevention and treatment of pestilence by applying Yunqi theory is: the Yunqi theory and laws of the pestilence occurence from the perspective of astrometeorology-time-geography-space-time medicine.


