
Professor Zhou Fu-yi's Experience of Treating Knee Osteoarthritis from Resolving Phlegm and Blood Stasis

  • 摘要: 膝关节骨性关节炎是临床的常见病、多发病,多见于肥胖的老年人,严重影响生活质量。周福贻教授依据多年的临床经验,认为肝肾亏虚和痰瘀互结是其主要病理机制,运用补益肝肾、化痰祛瘀为法治疗该病,切合病机,疗效显著,值得临床应用。


    Abstract: Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA) is a common disease in clinic affecting life quality, especially obese people after middle age. With years of great clinical experience, Professor Zhou Fu-yi holds that its main pathological mechanism is the deficiency of liver and kidney as well as interrelation between phlegm and stasis and suggests that reinforcing liver and kidney and dissipating phlegm and removing blood stasis should be applied in treating knee osteoarthritis with significant treatment effect and worth of clinical application.


