
Experimental Study on Professor WANG Shou-chuan Treating Asthma

  • 摘要: 全国名老中医汪受传教授继承钱乙“肺主喘”的学术观点,认为“喘”为肺系疾病的代表性证候,其总的病机为宣肃失司;实证为外邪郁肺、肺失宣肃,虚证为气阴不足、宣肃无力。治疗上实证宜祛邪利肺,宣肃肺气;虚证宜益气养阴,补肺而恢复其主气司宣肃之功。临床上以实证多见、虚证较少,但袪邪与扶正治法亦常常配合使用。附验案1则为例。


    Abstract: Based on Qian Yi's view of lung dominant asthma, the national renowned experienced TCM doctor Wang Shou-chuan points that asthma is the representative of the lung system disease. The dominant mechanism of the disease is the disorder of qi. The sthenia type is caused by the pathogenic evil invading the body, and the asthenia type is caused by deficiency of qi and yin. For treating sthenia type, getting rid of the pathogenic evil and smoothing the free flow of qi can be used, and for the asthenia type, replenishing qi and nourishing yin for beneficing lung method can be chosen. Clinically, there are more sthenia type, and getting rid of evil and beneficing healthy qi methods are always used together. Appendix was taken as an example.


