
Medical Records of Professor ZHOU Zhong-ying Treating Lower Warmer Diabetes by Liuwei Dihuang Analogous Formulas

  • 摘要: 撷取周仲瑛教授应用六味地黄类方治疗糖尿病之下消验案3则。前2案以水肿为主要表现,病案一选用桂附地黄丸加温补肾阳、益气健脾利水药物;病案二选取六味地黄丸全方配伍益气、化瘀通络之品;病案三以遗尿为临床症状,以六味地黄丸之“三补”,合用滋补肝肾、固精缩尿之品治疗。


    Abstract: This article selected 3 medical records of professor ZHOU Zhong-ying treating lower warmer diabetes by Liuwei Dihuang analogous formulas. Oedema is the major clinical manifestation of the previous 2 cases. Record 1 used Gui-fu-di-huang Wan and herbs that can warm kidney-yang, replenish qi, invigorate spleen and clear water; while record 2 used Liuwei Dihuang Pill with herbs that can replenish qi, activate the circulation of blood. Enuresis is the main symptom of the last case. As a result, the “three tonic herbs” in Liuwei Dihuang Pill is used, and also some tonic herbs that can nourish liver and kidney, and some astringent drugs that can control essence and urine emission.


