
Study on Migraine Treatment from the View of Blood Deficiency and Liver Hyperactivity

  • 摘要: 认为偏头痛作为一个具有周期性发作特点的独立疾病,血虚肝旺及其彼此之间的消长转化是其病机特征,并贯穿疾病始终。提出养血平肝为治疗大法,头痛发作期病机重点在风阳上扰,治以祛风平肝,兼以养血柔肝;间歇期则本虚标实,治以养血平肝;不同兼夹证则随证治之,需谨守养血平肝之治则。


    Abstract: Migraine is an independent disease characterized by periodic attacks. As the pathogenesis features, blood deficiency and liver hyperactivity as well as the waxing-waning and transformation of each other exist throughout the whole process of migraine. Therefore, nourishing the blood and calming the liver are put forward as the treatment principle. The key pathogenesis in the attacking stage lies in the wind-yang harassing the upper body, which is mainly treated by dispelling wind and calming the liver, assisted by nourishing the blood and emolliating the liver; With root deficiency and branch excess as the pathogenesis in the intermittent stage, migraine is treated by nourishing the blood and calming the liver, while accompanying syndromes are treated according to their different patterns. The treatment principle of nourishing the blood and calming the liver should be followed strictly.


