
On Crohn's Disease from TCM Perspective

  • 摘要: 克罗恩病症情复杂,病因涉及饮食、禀赋、外邪、烟毒、药毒及他病影响等;病机包括邪伤机体,蕴而化热,酿生毒邪,搏结痰瘀,损伤脾胃,正气亏损等;治疗方法主要为清肠化湿、化痰祛瘀、解毒扶正等。


    Abstract: Crohn's disease manifests complicated symptoms and it has different names in TCM. The pathogenesis is related to diet, congenital conditions, exogenous evils, smoke, drug and other diseases. As for the etiology, they are evils hurting the body, stagnation resulting in heat and evils in the body, phlegm and blood stasis, spleen and stomach damage and the deficiency of vital qi, etc. Main treating methods include clearing away heat and cool the blood, resolving blood stasis and detoxification, drying the dampness and resolving the phlegm, softening hard lumps and dispelling nodes and strengthening the spleen and vital qi.


