
On Cancerous Toxin and Treating Methods

  • 摘要: 认为癌毒是引起人体脏腑组织细胞癌变的各种致癌有毒因子及癌变细胞本身的总称。癌毒既可以由外而来,由内而生,也可以是来源于体内组织癌变后的癌细胞本身。癌毒具有致癌性、潜伏性、恶增性、转移性、高耗性、难治性等特性。攻癌毒治法主要适用于有实体瘤存在、或有转移灶存在、或有转移复发倾向等有癌毒存在的患者。具体的治法有:以毒攻毒、解毒攻毒、化瘀攻毒、化痰攻毒、扶正攻毒等。


    Abstract: The authors consider cancerous toxin can be sumarized for cancer-causing toxic factors that cause canceration of zang-fu organs and cancer cells. Cancerous toxin may be caused by several reasons: the external pathogens and internal pathogen; and cancer cells in the body organ can also be the source of cancerous toxin. Cancerous toxin has carcinogenicity, latency, transitivity, and it can cause malignant growths, high consumption and is hard to be treated. The treating method for the cancer can be applied to patients with solid tumor, metastasis or recurrence or transfer tendency. Treating methods include combating poison with poison, detoxification, removing blood stasis to treat toxin, resolving phlegm to treat toxin, and strengthening healthy energy to remove toxin.


