Correlation between Body Constitution and Differential Diagnosis and Trea~nent
摘要: 阐述体质与辨证论治的相关性,着重在体质与病邪易感、从化,对病证演变、转归、预后,以及论治原则等方面进行论述。提出病证随体质而转化,体质是产生病证异同的关键,论治原则必须从于体质。体质是中医辨证施治的重要依据之一。Abstract: This paper deals with the correlation between body constitution and differential diagnosis and treatment.The authors put forward the view that disease syndromes may change with the changes in the body constitution,which determines the sort of syndromes that may emerge,and which should be taken into consideration when working out principles of treatment.The body constitution is among the important evidence for TCM differential diagnosis and treatment.