
Understanding Classical Works of Chinese Medicine

  • 摘要: 中医学具有深厚的历史底蕴,它在不断继承、不断创新的过程中逐步形成和完善。作者认为要多读经典,用好经典,坚持以继承为基础,在继承中求发展,在实践中再创新,学习中医经典是掌握中医仁术的必由之路,而对经典领悟能力的提高,又需要在临床实践中不断探索和思考。列举在临床实践中受到《内经》、《伤寒杂病论》和《温热论》经典理论发得益的生动事例以明之。


    Abstract: Chinese medicine is endowed with profound historical basis and is being inherited, developed and perfected constantly. The author believes that it is advisable to read lots of classical works of Chinese medicine so as to use them and inherit them. Attention should be paid to development and innovation, and to the deep understanding of the classics and to constant speculations in the clinical practice. The author enumerates examples to show the effect of a sound understanding of the classics such as Canon of Medicine, Treatise on Miscellaneous Febrile Diseases and on Febrile Diseases on clinical practice.


