Experience in Treating Chronic Atrophic Gastritis
摘要: 论述了慢性萎缩性胃炎的证治体会,认为治疗的关键有:①健脾助运,标本兼顾;②辛温通阳,调理气机;③准确辨证。宏观和微观相结合;④调理善后,注意饮食宜忌.Abstract: This paper deals with the author's experience in treating chronic atrophic gastritis.The following four points are believed to be important in the treatment:(1) invigorating the spleen to promote digestion,(2) using drugs pungent in flavor and warm in nature to regulate qi activity,(3) making correct syndrome differentiation by combining the macroscopic with the microscopic,and(4) paying attention to diet.