Theoretical Exploration into Treatment of Bronchial Asthma by Dispelling Wind and Eliminating Stagnation
摘要: 提出风邪是哮证发作的始动病因,风痰阻肺、胸阳痹阻是哮证发作的关键病机;认为祛风豁痰、通阳宣痹之法是治疗哮喘的重要方法,介绍了祛风宣痹法的作用和应用要点。Abstract: In this paper,the author puts forward the view that pathogenic wind is responsible for the onset of asthma,and obstruction of the lung by wind-phlegm and stagnation of yang in the chest are the key pathogeneses of asthma attacks.The important methods to treat asthma is dispelling wind,removing phlegm,promoting free flow of yang and relieving stagnation.The author also presents some key points in the application of the method of dispelling wind and eliminating stagnation.