
An Analysis on Thirst in Chapter on Damp-Heat

  • 摘要: 对《湿热病篇》中论及口渴的病机进行了归纳分析。口渴常见病机为邪热伤津所致,在湿热性疾病中可由湿热阻滞,津不上承,或邪热伤津,或暑伤津气,或病末正虚、虚阳外越、中阳虚不能布津等所致。治疗各随病机不同而灵活用药。


    Abstract: The paper presents an analysis on the pathogenesis of thirst described in Chapter on Damp-Heat. The common pathogenesis of thirst lies in damage of body fluid by heat. In the diseases due to damp-heat, thirst may also be caused by obstruction by damp-heat, exhaustion of body fluid by heat, or deficiency of yang in the middle energizer leading to disturbance in body fluid. The treatment should be given flexibly according to different pathogeneses.


