An Analysis of Stranguria by Considering "Kidney Deficiency" and "Damp-heat"
摘要: 淋证为临床常见病、多发病之一,其成因不外乎肾虚、湿热,由于湿与热导致不同的病理变化,且因病程长短、素体禀赋不同,临床上又有五淋、六淋之说。从“湿热”是淋证主要病理因素、“肾虚”是淋证根本内在病因2个方面详细阐述了淋证发病机理,同时结合现代研究辨证分析了中医药治疗淋证的优劣势,为临床辨证治疗提供新的思路和方法。Abstract: Stranguria is a common disease usually caused by kidney deficiency and damp-heat with a long duration.In this paper the authors try to clarify the pathogenesis of the disease,namely,"damp-heat" as the main pathological factor and "kidney deficiency" as the underlying cause.The authors also deals with the advantages and disadvantages of using Chinese medicine to treat stranguria.