
Features in Internal Treatment for External Injuries Recorded ka Collection of Traumatology

  • 摘要: 《伤科汇纂》是清代骨伤科名著,除手法、固定、练功等骨伤科诊疗方法介绍外,书中收载了大量伤科方药及临床辨证论治的经验体会。所辑医案治验、方剂用药中,外伤内治、注重脾胃为一大特色,部分治则方药仍为当今临床常用。


    Abstract: Collection of Traumatology is a representative work in traumatology with lots of prescriptions for traumatology and clinical experience.One of the features is treating external injuries with internal methods,i.e.treating the spleen and stomach.Examples of these methods include using drugs of cold nature for coagulation,using drugs of warm nature to promote blood circulation,reinforcing the spleen to treat injuries of the muscles,using drugs for reinforcing qi to reinforce blood,etc.Some of the prescriptions are still used nowadays.


