
A Comment on Chapter on Cholera in Treatise on Cold - induced Febrile Diseases

  • 摘要: 《伤寒论》将霍乱的证治列于六经病篇之外,旨在进行类证鉴别;《伤寒论》所论之霍乱属于虚寒性质的湿霍乱,其发病多兼有表证;《论》中所谓之热是指发热之症状,非为病性,所以“热多”、“寒多”并不是论“热霍乱”和“寒霍乱”;对其证治方药进行了论说。


    Abstract: The author believes that the reason why in Treatise on Cold - induced Febrile Diseases the treatment of cholera was not included in the diseases of the six meridians is for syndrome classification. Cholera described in Treatise on Cold - induced Febrile Diseases belongs to damp cholera that is deficient and cold in nature, with exterior syndromes at the onset. "Heat" used in the book refers to the symptom of fever, not the nature of the disease. The author also makes some comment on the treatment of other diseases.


