Doctor WANG Ju-xiang''''s Experience in Treating Prostatic Cardnoma
摘要: 前列腺癌为老年男性常见恶性肿瘤之一,目前我国已进入老龄化社会,前列腺癌发病率有逐年升高的趋势,已成为男性生殖肿瘤中的首位恶性肿瘤。王居祥主任医师临证时,突出肾阴亏耗、肾火偏亢在发病中的特殊地位,采用益阴泻火、和于术数的治疗方法,应用知柏地黄丸为主方治疗本病,提高了患者的生活质量,取得了较好的临床疗效。Abstract: Prostatic Carcinoma is common among the male elderly and there has been an increase in the morbidity of the disease. In treating the disease, WANG Ju-xiang pays attention to the special role of kidney yin deficiency and hyperactivity of kidney fire and adopts the method of invigorating yin and purging fire and uses Zhibo Dihuang Pill as the main prescription. Satisfactory results were obtained.