
Connotation and Denotation of Study of Pharmacology of Traditional Chinese Medical Formulae

  • 摘要: 方剂包含方和剂二层意思 ,方即药方、处方 ,剂指剂型、调剂。从方剂配伍角度而言 ,两味药以上配合应用并赋予一定的剂型就是方剂 ,方剂学则指有关相互联系的方剂知识体系。方剂学内涵和外延的定义 ,应以全面、历史、客观、发展的理念来确定。着重于从方与证的规律去发现、探索、认识其本质属性 ;着重考虑其自然科学特别是与生命科学的关联 ,以动态有序的、整体的、发展的科学态度去推演方剂学的外延 ,使中医方剂学研究成为集传统中医理论为基础 ,现代科学技术相支持 ,多学科介入的综合性系统研究工程。


    Abstract: The study of pharmacology of traditional Chinese medical formulae involves two aspects: prescription and form of medication. The definition of the connotation and denotation of the study of pharmacology of traditional Chinese medical formulae should be determined completely based on history, objectivity and development, so as to enable the study of pharmacology of traditional Chinese medical formulae to become a comprehensive and systematic project with the theory of traditional Chinese medicine as the basis supported by modern technology and multidisciplinary intervention.


