
Discussion on the Multi-Dimensional Pathways of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Treatment for Brain Disease

  • 摘要: 从中医经典及传统理论视角,探讨脑病的针灸治疗路径,为构建符合中医特色的脑病针灸诊疗体系提供参考。首先梳理了历代医家对脑与脑病的认识,并对现代中医脑病包括的病症进行分类,确定中医脑病范畴;基于中医经典及古今医家的理论与实践,详细阐释针灸治疗脑病的经脉路径、脏腑路径及身形路径等,包括从督脉、足太阳膀胱经、足阳明胃经等经脉论治,从心、肾、肠等与脑相关的脏腑论治,以及从颅脑相关和脑窍相通的身形特点论治;最后,强调了这些路径对于丰富针灸临床治疗脑病方法选择的意义,并指出了构建符合针灸特色的脑病辨证论治体系的重要性。


    Abstract: From the perspective of Chinese medicine classics and traditional theories, this paper discusses the pathways of acupuncture-moxibustion treatment for brain diseases, providing a reference for constructing an acupuncture-moxibustion diagnosis and treatment system for brain diseases that aligns with the characteristics of Chinese medicine. First, it reviews the understanding of the brain and brain diseases by physicians throughout history, classifies the conditions included in modern Chinese medicine's scope of brain diseases, and defines the category of brain diseases in Chinese medicine. Based on Chinese medicine classics and the theories and practices of physicians from ancient to modern times, it elaborates on the meridian pathways, viscus pathways and body structure pathways for acupuncture-moxibustion treatment of brain diseases, which includes treatment based on the Governor Vessel, the Foot-Taiyang Bladder Meridian, the Foot-Yangming Stomach Meridian, and other meridians, treatment based on the heart, kidney, intestines, and other viscera related to the brain, and treatment based on the characteristics of the body structure related to the cranium and brain and the brain-orifice connection. Finally, it emphasizes the significance of these pathways in enriching the clinical methods of acupuncture-moxibustion for treating brain diseases and highlights the importance of establishing a syndrome differentiation and treatment system for brain diseases that reflects the unique features of acupuncture-moxibustion.


