
The Scientific Connotation of "Heart and Brain Co-Dominating the Mind" and Its Application in the Treatment of Insomnia by Acupuncture

  • 摘要: 讨论了“心脑共主神明”的科学内涵,包括“心脑共主神明”的中医内涵以及现代医学中心脏与大脑的生理、病理联系。并基于“心脑共主神明”理论认识失眠症,认为“神不安舍”是失眠症的核心病机,调神是针灸治疗失眠症的关键。自主神经系统(ANS)作为连接心脑的桥梁,与睡眠的中枢解剖、神经递质及生理节律密切相关。ANS的失衡状态与中医所说的“心脑神不安舍”病机高度契合。督脉络脑贯心,“通督调神针法”能够沟通心脑,调节ANS功能,进而改善睡眠质量。


    Abstract: The paper discusses the scientific connotation of "heart and brain co-dominating the mind", including the connotation of "heart and brain co-dominating the mind" in traditional Chinese medicine and the physiological and pathological relationship between heart and brain in modern medicine. Based on the understanding of "heart and brain co-dominating the mind", this paper believes that "restlessness of mind" is the core pathogenesis of insomnia, and regulating mind is the key to the acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of insomnia. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a bridge connecting the heart and brain, and is closely related to the central anatomy, neurotransmitters and physiological rhythms of sleep. The imbalance of ANS is highly consistent with the pathogenesis of "heart and brain restlessness" in traditional Chinese medicine. The Governor Vessel runs through the brain and the heart, and the "Governor Vessel regulating spirit acupuncture" can communicate the heart and brain, regulate ANS function, and thus improve sleep quality.


