
Analysis and Textual Research of Classic Prescription Daotan Decoction Based on Ancient Literature

  • 摘要: 通过文献溯源,梳理导痰汤的历史源流、药物组成、基原、炮制、剂量、煎服法、主治病证等关键问题,为经典名方导痰汤的开发与临床运用提供文献支撑。经分析与考证,导痰汤出自吴彦夔《传信适用方》,其组方为半夏、天南星、枳实、橘红、赤茯苓五味药。除赤茯苓外,其余药物基原皆遵循2020年版《中国药典》。赤茯苓、橘红用生品,半夏为清半夏,枳实为麸炒枳实,天南星为制南星。药物剂量建议半夏6.00 g、天南星1.50 g、枳实1.50 g、橘红1.50 g、赤茯苓1.50 g。导痰汤煎煮时须将药物锉碎,过一号筛,加入生姜10 g,加水600 mL,煎至300 mL,滤去药渣,食后服用。该方燥湿祛痰,行气开郁,主要用于治疗痰饮停阻所致的痰厥,或胸膈痞塞、胁肋胀满、头痛呕逆、喘急咳嗽、涕唾黏稠、食少纳呆、肢节疼痛等多种病证。


    Abstract: Through literature tracing, the key issues such as the historical origin, drug composition, base, preparation, dosage, decoction, and main treatment of Daotan Decoction were analyzed to provide literature support for the development and clinical application of the classic formula. After analysis and verification, Daotan Decoction derives from Wu Yankui's Circulated Applicable Prescriptions, which is composed of five medicines: Pinellia, Arisaema, Fructus Aurantii Immaturus, Tangerine peel, and Red Poria. Except for Red Poria, the bases of the other drugs follow the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia, among which Red Poria and Tangerine peel are used in the raw form, Pinellia is alum processed Pinellia, Fructus Aurantii Immaturus is Bran Fried Fructus Aurantii Immaturus, and Arisaema is prepared Arisaema. The dosage is suggested to be 6.00 g of Pinellia, 1.50 g of Arisaema, 1.50 g of Fructus Aurantii Immaturus, 1.50 g of Tangerine peel, and 1.50 g of Red Poria. When decocting Daotan Decoction, the drugs must be ground into pieces, sieved through No. 1 sieve, added with 10 g ginger and 600 mL of water, decocted to 300 mL, filtered to remove the residue, and taken after meals. This formula dries dampness, dispels phlegm, moves qi and relieves depression, and is mainly used for treating phlegm-drinking obstruction caused by phlegm-syncope, chest and diaphragm congestion, lateral thorax and rib distension and fullness, headache and vomiting, wheezing and coughing, sticky and thick snot and spittle, eating less and being dull, and pain in the joints and other phlegm manifestations.


