
Exploring Academic Thought and Medication Features of Liu Baoyi in Treatment of Latent Febrile Diseases

  • 摘要: 柳宝诒是晚清著名温病学家,对伏温病学说进行了创新。柳氏提出肾精先虚、正气不足是寒邪伏藏的前提条件,外感寒邪为发病之诱因,主张基于六经辨治伏温病,总以祛邪、扶正两意为提纲,泄热、养阴、托邪为其治疗总则。遣方重视药食同调,善用鲜药,重视药物炮制,讲究以药制药,随证化裁,临证喜用“同打”特色炮制品。研究柳氏治疗伏温病的学术思想及用药特色,对现今多种具有发热性质的传染性与流行性疾病的施治用药具有重要指导价值。


    Abstract: Liu Baoyi was a famous febrile disease expert in the late Qing Dynasty, who innovated the theory of latent febrile disease. Liu proposed that the deficiency of kidney essence and the deficiency of healthy qi were the prerequisites for the latent cold evil, and the exogenous cold evil was the inducement of the disease. He advocated the treatment of latent febrile disease based on the six meridians, with the two ideas of eliminating evil qi and strengthening healthy qi as the outline, and the general principle of treatment was to relieve heat, nourish yin and expel evil qi. He attached importance to the coordination of medicine and food, made good use of fresh medicine, attached importance to drug processing, emphasized the use of herb processed by herb, and adapted the medicine according to the syndromes. He preferred to use co-processed products for clinical use. The study of Liu's academic thoughts and medication characteristics in treating latent febrile diseases is of great value in guiding the treatment and medication of various infectious and epidemic diseases with fever characteristics nowadays.


