
Exploration of the Pathogenesis Nature of Multiple Myeloma Based on the Cancer Toxin Theory and Construction of Prescription-Drug System

  • 摘要: 以国医大师周仲瑛教授癌毒理论为指导,吸纳仝小林院士态靶学说思想,总结多发性骨髓瘤的病机为正气亏虚,蚀骨伤髓,癌毒蓄积,痰瘀互结,正邪交争,动态演变;提出将补虚扶正、抗癌解毒、化痰祛瘀的思路贯穿治疗全程的多发性骨髓瘤的抗癌解毒全周期防治策略。并从蛋白质过载、肿瘤微环境等多环节阐释多发性骨髓瘤“正虚癌毒”病机理论的科学内涵,构建以宣痹消瘤方为核心的方药体系,为多发性骨髓瘤中西结合临床诊疗方案和全周期防控模式提供新的思路和科学依据。


    Abstract: Guided by the cancer toxin theory of TCM master Professor Zhou Zhongying, and absorbing the thoughts of academician Tong Xiaolin's theory of state-target, the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma is summarized as deficiency of healthy qi, bone erosion and marrow damage, cancer toxin accumulation, phlegm and stasis mingling, the combat between healthy qi and evil qi, and dynamic evolution; a full-cycle anti-cancer and detoxification prevention and treatment strategy for multiple myeloma is proposed that incorporates the ideas of nourishing deficiency and strengthening healthy qi, preventing cancer and detoxification, resolving phlegm and removing stasis throughout the entire treatment process. The scientific connotation of the pathogenesis theory of "healthy qi deficiency and cancer toxin" in multiple myeloma is explained from multiple aspects such as protein overload and tumor microenvironment, and a prescription-drug medicine system with Xuanbi Xiaoliu Formula as the core is constructed, which provides new ideas and scientific basis for the clinical diagnosis and treatment plan and full-cycle prevention and control model of multiple myeloma combining Chinese and Western medicine.


