
The Theoretical Conception and Realization Path of Animal Model Evaluation of Emotional Disease Based on Syndrome Element Differentiation Theory

  • 摘要: 现阶段情志病证理论发展滞后及针对性药物开发落后的主要原因即是缺乏合适有效的动物模型,其中模型评价又是情志病证动物模型制备中关键及难点。中医药理论中证素辨证理论与动物行为学中行为要素理论深为契合,有望带来相关领域理论变革及方法学进步。基于此背景,系统梳理并厘清情志病证动物模型评价的理论构想,即借助中医证素辨证理论的思维模式为指导,尝试建立完整的模型评价体系。并指出基于证素辨证理论的情志病证动物模型评价的实现路径,即自然状态下行为要素采集及时序分析、应激状态下异常行为表型鉴定分析、模型动物证候判别的等效转换。


    Abstract: At present, the main reason for the lagging development of emotional disease theory and the backward development of targeted drugs is the lack of suitable and effective animal models, and model evaluation is the key and difficult point in the preparation of emotional disease animal models. The theory of syndrome element differentiation in traditional Chinese medicine is closely matched with the theory of behavioral elements in animal behavior, which is expected to bring theoretical changes and methodological progress in related fields. Based on this background, this paper systematically sorted out and clarified the theoretical conception of animal model evaluation of emotional diseases: guided by the thinking mode of syndrome differentiation theory of TCM, an attempt was made to establish a complete model evaluation system. It also pointed out the realization path of animal model evaluation of emotional disease based on syndrome element differentiation theory: collection of behavioral elements in natural state and analysis of time sequence, phenotypic identification of abnormal behaviors under stress state, and equivalent transformation of model animal syndrome discrimination.


