Analysis of the Development Status, Existing Problems and Countermeasures of Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry in Jiangsu Province
摘要: 分析江苏省中药产业发展现状, 通过纵向历史比较与横向兄弟省份比较, 指出江苏中药产业发展面临的关键问题, 主要包括中药农业及其药材生产和饮片加工产业发展乏力, 种质资源库有待丰富完善; 中药工业及其产品的市场竞争力、创新能力和行业地位亟待提升; 中药产业大多仍停留在线性经济发展模式和生产方式; 商业流通与中药服务体系缺乏规范性等。并进一步提出了江苏中药产业发展的对策与建议: 改革江苏中药管理体制机制, 抢占科研创新高地; 因地制宜合理布局中药材生产, 发展特色中药材种植业; 推动“苏产良药”江苏中医药大品牌建设, 提升科技竞争力和品牌影响力; 加强中药资源循环利用共性关键技术研发。文章还对新发展理念下,教育、科技、人才推动江苏中药产业链高质量发展进行了展望。Abstract: Based on the analysis of the current situation of the development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry in Jiangsu Province, points out the key problems faced by the development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry in Jiangsu Province by comparing the vertical history with the horizontal counterparts, mainly including the weak development of the traditional Chinese medicine agriculture and its production and processing industry, and the need to enrich and improve the germplasm resource bank; The market competitiveness, innovation ability and industry status of the Chinese medicine industry and its products need to be improved; Most of the traditional Chinese medicine industry still stays in the online economic development mode and production mode; The commercial circulation and traditional Chinese medicine service system are lack of standardization. The countermeasures and suggestions for the development of traditional Chinese medicine industry in Jiangsu are further put forward: reform the management system and mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine in Jiangsu to seize the highland of scientific research and innovation; Rationally arrange the production of traditional Chinese medicine according to local conditions and develop the cultivation of traditional Chinese medicine with characteristics; Promote the construction of the big brand of traditional Chinese medicine in Jiangsu Province, and enhance the scientific and technological competitiveness and brand influence; Strengthen the research and development of common key technologies for the recycling and utilization of traditional Chinese medicine resources. The article also looks forward to how to improve the quality of talent training.