
Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Vocal Tic in Children by Mediating Qi Activities of Five Internal Organs

  • 摘要: 总结汪受传教授斡旋五脏气机辨治儿童发声性抽动障碍临证经验。认为其病位在喉,发病与五脏气机失调相关,病因病机主要为风邪犯肺,脾虚生痰,心火炽盛,肾阴不足,引动肝风。临证以整体观为指导,五脏辨证为主法,据其病机变化施以肃肺、平肝、健脾、清心、滋肾之法,从而斡旋气机,降逆消声。同时注意顾护患儿情绪,调摄寒温,以期达到较好疗效。


    Abstract: This paper summarized Professor Wang Shou-chuan's clinical experience of differential diagnosis and treatment of vocal tic in children by mediating qi activities of the five internal organs. It is believed that the lesion of vocal tic is located in the throat; the incidence of the disease is linked to the disorder of qi movements of the five internal organs. The pathogenic factors and the mechanism are wind invading the lung, spleen deficiency engendering phlegm, intense heart fire, kidney-yin deficiency, and then, inducing the liver wind. The clinical treatment is guided by the overall concept, with syndrome differentiation of the five internal organs as the main method. The method of soothing the lung, calming the liver, invigorating the spleen, clearing the heart fire and nourishing the kidney-yin can be separately applied in the light of the changes of pathogenesis, thus, the qi activities can be mediated, qi reversed and sound reduced. In order to achieve a better curative effect, pay attention to the children's mood and the clothing they are wearing in relation to temperature changes.


