
Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Constraint Syndrome Based on the Theory of Resolving the Fire Constraint

  • 摘要: 抑郁症是一种严重影响公共健康的精神疾病,其病因和发病机制尚未完全阐明。中医根据临床表现将其归于郁证范畴。通过对郁的涵义进行梳理后发现, 郁既有病因、病机的涵义,也有疾病的涵义。抑郁症的病机和临床表现与中医郁证吻合, 临床可参考中医“郁证”进行辨证论治。“火郁”是抑郁症由轻转重的重要病机, 临床应以虚实为纲论治“火郁”, “火郁”实证治以清透, 虚实夹杂证治应通补。


    Abstract: Depression is a mental illness that seriously affects public health, but its etiology and pathogenesis have not been fully elucidated. According to the clinical manifestations, Chinese medicine classifies depression as a constraint syndrome. By sorting out the meaning of constraint, it is found that constraint involves both the etiology and pathogenesis, as well as the disease per se. The pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of depression coincide with those of the constraint syndrome in Chinese medicine. Thus, the clinical diagnosis and treatment can be made by referring to the "constraint syndrome" in Chinese medicine. Considering "fire constraint" is the key pathogenesis of depression changing from mild to severe, the clinical treatment of "fire constraint" should be based on the principle of differentiating the deficiency or excess syndrome. For example, the treatment on the excess syndrome of the fire constraint should be clearing and purifying, while the treatment of the deficiency-excess complex should be unblocking and reinforcing.


