
Comparison between the Diagnosis and Treatment Model in Differentiating Combined with Treating Diseases and Syndrome and the Theoretical System of Treatment According to Syndrome Differentiation

  • 摘要: 辨病辨证并治是中医经典的诊疗模式,由《伤寒杂病论》确立。病因病机是疾病的本质,辨病治疗是围绕疾病的病因病机进行立法处方用药治疗。证是疾病的症状,可以单个出现,也可以多个同时出现。辨证治疗即是应用方药针对症状的直接治疗,辨病辨证并治强调辨病治疗与辨证治疗同步进行。现代中医界确立的辨证论治理论体系实质上是辨病因病机治疗,在中医学发展的过程中,逐渐暴露出一些问题。文章提出中医学的发展应该回归经典,传承精华,从恢复“证”的本义做起,提倡辨病辨证并治精神。


    Abstract: The classical diagnosis and treatment model, which was established by the Treatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases, is a combination of differentiating and treating diseases and syndrome. Considering the essence of a disease is its etiology and pathogenesis, disease differentiation and treatment is the legislative prescription of medication treatment around the etiology of the disease. The syndrome, as the clinical manifestation of a disease, can appear singly or in diverse combination. Therefore, the differentiation and treatment of syndrome is the direct way targeted one or more syndromes with the application of formulas and medicines, while the differentiation combined with treatment of diseases and syndrome emphasizes the simultaneous treatment according to both syndrome differentiating and the disease differentiating. The theoretical system of treatment according to syndrome differentiation established by the modern Chinese medical community is essentially the treatment according to differentiating the etiology and pathogenesis. In the process of development of Chinese medicine, some problems have been gradually revealed. In view of this phenomenon, it is proposed that the development of Chinese medicine should return to the classics and inherit the essence by restoring the original meaning of syndrome, as well as advocating the spirit of differentiating combined with treating diseases and syndrome.


