
System Construction for the Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Cancer Toxin

  • 摘要: 程海波教授团队传承国医大师周仲瑛教授“癌毒”学术思想,创建了癌毒病机理论。近年来,为推广癌毒病机理论的临床应用,进一步构建中医肿瘤癌毒病机辨治体系。提出癌毒病机辨证要点首辨特异性病邪:癌毒,重在辨癌毒的致病特性、兼夹病邪、致病部位、邪气盛衰;其次辨非特异性病邪:郁、风、寒、热、湿、痰、瘀等;最后辨正虚,主要辨脏腑的虚损、气血阴阳的亏虚。提出恶性肿瘤的基本病机为“邪毒蕴结、正气亏虚”,治疗原则为“祛邪解毒、扶正固本”。祛邪即为祛邪复衡,主要包括理气、祛风、散寒、清热、祛湿、化痰、祛瘀法等;解毒即为抗癌解毒,主要包括理气解毒、化痰解毒、祛瘀解毒、祛湿解毒、清热解毒、祛风解毒、温阳解毒、以毒攻毒等八法;扶正固本主要包括益气、养阴、补血、温阳法和调补脏腑法。癌毒病机辨治体系的构建,通过提出以癌毒病机为核心辨证分型,解决目前中医肿瘤按病种辨证分型繁杂难以掌握的难题;提出癌毒病机临床辨识的四个要点,实现癌毒辨识诊疗技术瓶颈的突破;提出抗癌解毒法的学术内涵,形成抗癌解毒八法;提出抗癌解毒中药分类,推动中医肿瘤辨治的临床精准用药。


    Abstract: Under the guidance of the academic thought of cancerous toxin by Professor Zhou Zhongying, the master of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), this study has created the theory of cancerous toxin pathogenesis and established the pathogenesis system for differentiating and treating cancerous toxin in TCM. In that system, the main point includes putting the specific pathogen (cancerous toxin) differentiation first via focusing on its pathogenic characteristics, intermingled pathogenic factors, pathogenic sites, and the vicissitudes of pathogenic factors. The second point is differentiating the non-specific pathogens including constraints, wind, cold, heat, dampness, phlegm, and stasis. The final point is the body resistance differentiation by differentiating the deficiency of the internal organs, qi, blood, as well as yin and yang. In addition, the basic pathogenesis is the accumulation of pathogenic factors and cancerous toxins leading to the deficiency of the healthy energy. Thus, the treatment principle contains eliminating pathogenic factors, resolving cancerous toxins, as well as supporting the healthy energy. Specifically, the principle of eliminating pathogenic factors means eliminating pathogenic factors to rebalance yin and yang. It mainly includes seven treatments, such as regulating the flow of qi, dispelling wind, dissipating cold, clearing heat, dispelling dampness, resolving phlegm, and removing blood stasis. The principle of resolving toxins means resolving toxins to fight cancer. It includes eight treatments, such as regulating the flow of qi, resolving phlegm, removing blood stasis, expelling damp, clearing heat, dispelling the wind, warming yang, and combating toxins with poisonous medicines. Comparatively, the main methods of supporting the healthy energy include benefiting qi, nourishing yin, supplementing the blood, warming yang, and tonifying the internal organs. The creation of the pathogenesis system for differentiating and treating cancerous toxin is based on differentiating and typing the core pathogenesis of cancerous toxin, which has rectified the complicated situation caused by the hard-to-master classification of TCM tumors according to disease type. Through proposing the four key points of clinical differentiation of cancerous toxins, the study achieves a breakthrough in the bottleneck of cancerous toxin differentiation and diagnosis technology. Through elaborating the academic connotation of anti-cancer detoxification methods, the study lists the eight relevant treatments. Through putting forward the classification of tradition Chinese medicines with anti-cancer detoxification effects, the study further promotes the clinically precise medicines use for TCM differentiation and treatment of tumor.


