The quality of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)is the basic guarantee of clinical curative effect. Traditional Chinese medicine external preparations from the source of production, preparation development and design and clinical application of each link, the core is the high quality of TCM quality and efficacy of complete transmission to clinical. However, external preparations of TCM are a collection of complex and diverse components. In order to ensure the uniformity, stability, safety and effectiveness of TCM, it is necessary to pay attention to each link in the whole process of preparation production(breeding of TCM, reasonable harvesting and processing, appropriate processing, optimization of molding process, evaluation of drug release and absorption, and clinical safety and effective evaluation). Based on this, this paper systematically analyzes the key links affecting the quality transfer of external preparations of traditional Chinese medicine, and discusses the ways to improve the efficacy of external preparations and reduce toxic and side effects, in order to establish a set of external preparation process and quality standard system in line with the characteristics of TCM by stoichiometric analysis combined with biological effect evaluation, and promote the improvement of technology and quality standard of external preparation of TCM based on clinical value.