
Understanding of Acupuncture Points Based on Classical and Modern Theories

  • 摘要: 《内经》中关于腧穴的认识大多是有形的体表组织,但在腧穴理论的形成过程中逐渐被固化成为无形的体表的“点”。部分体表的病理反应也在《内经》中有所描述,这一认识是形成“阿是穴”的基础。阿是穴的本质意义是取穴法,适用于所有腧穴。现在对腧穴的认识,包括新的针灸临床学派中的治疗思想,与《内经》中的腧穴思想可以互通。故对古代解剖生理语言的重新理解与深入阐释,可以起到沟通古今认识与填充传统医学与现代医学的理解沟壑的作用。


    Abstract: Most of the acupuncture points in the Huangdi Neijing are recognized as tangible body surface tissues, but they have gradually been solidified into invisible body surface "points" during the formation of acupuncture points theory. Some of the pathological reactions of the body surface were also described in the Huangdi Neijing, and this understanding was the basis for the formation of the "ashi point". The essence of the ashi point is the method of point location, which applies to all acupuncture points. The current understanding of acupuncture points, including the therapeutic ideas of the new clinical schools related to it, is interchangeable with the ideas of acupuncture points in the Huangdi Neijing. Therefore, the reinterpretation and deeper interpretation of the physiological language of ancient anatomy can serve to communicate the understanding between ancient and modern times and to fill the gaps between traditional and modern medicine.


