
Characteristics of Gynecological Syndromes Differentiation and Treatment According to Zhang Jianzai

  • 摘要: 介绍了张简斋妇科病证辨治特点:调气血,辨虚实,消补兼施;益肝肾,固冲任,调补奇经;安五脏,分寒热,兼顾表里。张简斋特别重视气血辨证,并兼顾寒热、表里、虚实、脏腑等方面。治疗擅长调补奇经,刚柔相济,以轻去实。


    Abstract: Zhang Jianzhai's treatment of gynecological diseases is characterized by: Identifying the deficiency and excess together with harmonizing qi and blood in both supplementing and dredging way, benefiting the liver and kidney combined with consolidating the chong and ren mai to regulate and nourish extraordinary vessels, reinforcing the five viscera conjoined with differentiating cold and heat to treat both the exterior and interior. In addition, Zhang Jianzhai pays special attention to the syndrome differentiation of qi and blood, takes into account the aspects of cold and heat, exterior and interior, deficiency and excess, as well as zang-fu organs. His treatment is good at regulating and nourishing extraordinary vessels, applying both tough and gentle therapies, as well as eliminating the excess with light medicine.


