
"Compound-Delivery-Efficacy" Characterization Idea of External Chinese Medical Properties Based on Biopharmaceutical Thoughts

  • 摘要: 药性表征是在药性理论指导下开展现代中药研究的必要基础, 但当前中药外用研究缺乏药性表征思路的指导。团队基于药性表征研究进展和外用途径的特点, 在生物药剂学思维的指导下, 探索性地提出了递送是外用途径下组分发挥效应关键环节的基本认识和外用中药药性“组分-递送-效应”三要素的表征思路, 并且通过辛味中药挥发油透皮促渗作用“热者易效”规律的发现与机制研究验证了该思路的合理性。该表征思路可为外用中药的科学研究、临床应用及新药创制提供借鉴。


    Abstract: Characterization of Chinese medical properties is the key basis for guiding modern study in drug property discovery. However, lack of appropriate guidance limits current studies of external Chinese Medicine(CM). Based on the study progress of Chinese medical properties and the characteristics of external CM, three key elements of "component-delivery-efficacy" are proposed based on biopharmaceutical thoughts. Using such characterization model, drug delivery can be firstly regarded as the key factor between the component and the efficacy under the external route. Under the guidance of "compound-delivery-efficacy", essential oils (EOs) from herbs with "hot" property was found to possess higher penetration enhancement effect compared to other properties. The results revealed the rationale of the proposed three-element theory. This theory may lead a new strategy in scientific research, clinical application, and development of external CM products.


