Based on the brain-computer interface technology, we analyzed the problems related to the number of stimuli and treatment effect of acupuncture, so as to make a preliminary overview about standardization research on the quantification of acupuncture manipulation stimuli. It is proposed that the characteristics of the quantitative study of acupuncture manipulation stimuli based on a brain-computer interface include a large amount of data, stable data flow, as well as quantification and objection along with a high degree of freedom in analysis. It is suggested that the focus of data acquisition at the brain-computer interface from a clinical perspective of acupuncture manipulation includes four aspects: the overall connectivity of neural networks, the activity of specific brain areas, the fluctuation of body tolerance or pain threshold during acupuncture intervention, and the activity change of different lamina neurons of the cortex. The efficacy evaluation of acupuncture interventions in post-stroke rehabilitation is used as an example to illustrate the study characteristics and potential advantages of standardization research on the quantification of acupuncture manipulation stimuli based on brain-computer interface.