
Professor Liu Shenlin's Experience in Treating Postoperative Pharyngeal Fistula Complications of Laryngocarcinoma

  • 摘要: 全国名中医刘沈林教授基于“肺气通于喉”“肺属金为子,脾属土为母”等中医藏象学理论,总结喉癌术后出现咽瘘并发症的病因病机为局部器官缺失,肺气受损,金破不鸣。病程演变特点为子病及母,肺病及脾,正虚无力驱邪外出,癌毒内留。主张应从整体观念出发,重视脏腑之间的相互关系,虚则补其母,遵循标本兼顾的原则,确立了清肺解毒、祛邪消肿,培土生金、脾胃兼养,随证加减、内外同治的治法治则,以促进气血化生,修复肌肉组织,消散局部炎症,加速咽瘘愈合。


    Abstract: Based on the theories of visceral manifestation of Chinese medicine, such as "lung qi connecting to the larynx" and "earth generating metal or spleen (mother-organ) generating lung (child-organ)", Professor Liu Shenlin, a national distinguished Chinese medicine doctor, concludes that the etiology and mechanism of pharyngeal fistula complications after laryngocarcinoma surgery is the loss of local organs, damage to lung qi, and broken metal failing to sound. The evolution of the disease process is characterized by disorder of the child-organ affecting the mother-organ, the disease of the lung affecting the spleen, and weakened body resistance with inability to drive pathogenic qi out, which leads to the retention of cancer toxins inside. We advocate that the treatment should be based on a holistic concept, pay attention to the interrelationship between the internal organs, reinforce the mother of deficient organs, and follow the principle of treating the root and branch simultaneously. In addition, the therapeutic principle and methods include clearing the lung and resolving toxins, dispelling pathogenic qi and reducing the swelling, cultivating the earth and generating gold, nourishing the spleen and stomach, adding and subtracting medicines with the change of syndromes, as well as treating both inside and outside, in order to promote the transformation of qi and blood, repair the muscle tissue, dissipate local inflammation, and accelerate the healing of pharyngeal fistula.


