
Traditional Chinese Medicine Master Xia Guicheng's Experience in the Prevention and Treatment of Endometrial Polyps by Applying the Theory of "Yang Transforms into Qi, while Yin Constitutes Form"

  • 摘要: 子宫内膜息肉是临床常见病和多发病,国医大师夏桂成教授基于《黄帝内经》“阳化气、阴成形”理论,认为子宫内膜息肉属本虚标实证,病机为心肾阳虚,气化失常,瘀滞胞宫,治以温阳化气法,结合补肾调周法,并创立温阳化气方,于经前期阳长之时,采用温肾助阳,化气消癥之法,以期“六阳”到位,实现重阳转阴,恢复子宫功能,促进行经期子宫内膜瘀浊及水液排净,减少子宫内膜息肉的复发。


    Abstract: Endometrial polyp is a common and frequently occurring disease. Based on the theory of "yang transforms into qi, while yin constitutes form" in The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, Professor Xia Guicheng, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, believes that endometrial polyp is a disease of asthenia in origin and asthenia in superficiality, and its disease mechanism is heart-kidney yang deficiency, abnormal qi transformation, and static blood obstructing the uterus. Thus, the treatment is based on the method of warming yang and transforming qi, combined with the method of nourishing kidney to regulate menstruation. In addition, the formula of warming yang and transforming qi is created. All these treatment methods are applied in the pre-menstruum of yang exuberance using methods of warming kidney to assist yang along with transforming qi and breaking concretions. Having the "six yang" in place, the aim is to turn extreme yang into yin, restore uterine function, promote the elimination of endometrial stagnation and fluid during menstruation, as well as reduce the recurrence of endometrial polyps.


