
Syndrome Identification and Treatment of Diabetic Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy by the Method of Regulating Astringency with Sour and Bitter Flavors

  • 摘要: 总结全国老中医药专家学术经验继承工作指导老师董其美对糖尿病心脏自主神经病变(DCAN)的辨治经验,认为其核心病机为心火内炽、胃强脾弱、营卫失和、心神扰动,提出以调为基、以味统方、酸苦调敛的治则治法,并在这一学术思想指导下运用连梅汤、黄芪桂枝五物汤化裁进行治疗,取得较好的临床疗效。


    Abstract: Summarize the experience of syndrome identification and treatment of diabetic cardiac autonomic neuropathy by Dong Qimei, the instructor of the inheritance of academic experience of national distinguished Chinese medicine experts. It is believed that the core pathogenesis of the disease is internal blazing of heart fire, stomach preponderance and spleen weakness, disharmony between nutritive qi and defensive qi, and the disturbance of the heart spirit. Thus, it is proposed that the treatment method is based on regulating, together with unifying formula with medicinal flavor and regulating astringency with sour and bitter flavors. Under the guidance of this academic philosophy, we have used Lianmei decoction and Huangqi Guizhi Wuwu decoction to treat the disease with good clinical efficacy.


