
Identifying the Monarch Medicine in Formulas

  • 摘要: 君臣佐使是方剂学组方理论的核心内容,对于研究方剂的配伍规律具有重要意义。通过考证方剂君臣佐使的相关文献,分析代表性方剂中君药的配伍及作用,认为《内经》中所述关于方剂的君臣佐使,非《神农本草经》所说药物的君臣佐使;方剂的君臣佐使,借用古代的国家组织形式来类比方剂中药物的主次、从属及其相互关系,但不等同于帝王时代国家组织的概念;在确定方剂君药时,“主病之谓君”是前提,“力大者为君”是其补充,两者有逻辑上的先后关系。


    Abstract: The theory of the monarch, minister, assistant, and guide is the core content of formula theory, and it is of great significance for the study of compatibility law of formulas. By conducting research on the literature related to the theory of the monarch, minister, assistant, and guide, the compatibility and effects of monarch medicines in representative formulas were analyzed. It is believed that the theory of the monarch, minister, assistant, and guide applied in formulas in The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine is not the same as that of herbal medicine mentioned in Shen Nong's Classic of the Materia Medica. In addition, the law of priority, subordination as well as correlation in the theory of the monarch, minister, assistant, and guide applied in formulas is analogous to the rule of ancient forms of government, but not equal to the concept of state in feudal society. The monarch medicine of a formula is determined under the premise that "the medicine in a formula having the leading action in treatment is called monarch", logically followed by the complement that "medicine with potent action in the treatment is called monarch".


