
Professor Wu Xu's Experience in the Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis with Tongdu Wenyang Acupuncture

  • 摘要: 介绍名老中医吴旭教授以通督温阳针法治疗间质性膀胱炎的临证经验。吴教授以通督温阳理论,针对间质性膀胱炎的病因病机特点,提出通督谐振、鼓荡温阳,督任呼应、带脉促通,佐调肝经、行气活血的治则治法;同时御气调气,针刺穴位直达病所,产生针感;并强调舒畅情志,察神守机,在针刺过程中注重对患者的心理疏导,从而疏通督脉及诸阳经经气,调和气血,缓解症状,恢复膀胱生理机能。


    Abstract: The paper introduced the clinical experience of Professor Wu Xu, a well-known veteran traditional Chinese medicine doctor, in treating interstitial cystitis with "Tongdu Wenyang acupuncture". According to the etiology and pathogenesis of interstitial cystitis, Professor Wu proposed the therapeutic principles and methods under the guidance of the theory of "Tongdu Wenyang", that is, promoting the governor channel, harmonizing the resonance of qi, warming yang, coordinating the conception channel and the governor channel, dredging the belt channel, regulating the liver meridian, along with activating qi and blood. Meanwhile, the focus should be reached and the arrival of qi should be obtained with rectifying and regulating qi during needling. In addition, Professor Wu attached much importance in relaxing the mind, observing and maintaining the spirit, as well as giving psychological counseling during the process of needling, thus dredging the governor channel and yang meridians, harmonizing qi and blood, relieving symptoms and revoering the physiological function of bladder.


