
Research Progresses on Target Identification of Natural Products by Chemoproteomics

  • 摘要: 以中药为资源开发具有中国特色的天然药物可以快速推动中药现代化进程。靶蛋白未知、作用机制不明是这个开发应用过程中的瓶颈问题。确定作用靶点可以清晰地揭示药物分子的药理和毒副作用机制,因此近年来研究作用靶点的新方法不断涌现。基于化学蛋白组学的作用靶点鉴定方法能在复杂生物系统中无差别地鉴定化合物的未知作用靶点,具有高复现性、高准确性等优点,逐渐成为目前发现化合物作用靶点的重要手段。从原理、优缺点和应用范围等方面对基于化学蛋白组学的化合物作用靶点发现方法和典型案例进行深入探析。


    Abstract: Finding new natural product-based drugs from the resources of traditional Chinese medical herbs can rapidly promote the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine. The bottleneck in the development of natural product based-drugs is their unknown protein targets and unclear mechanisms of action. Recently, a growing number of methods for the target identification of medicinal compounds have emerged, in relation to explicitly reveal their pharmacological mechanisms and toxic side effects. Particularly, mass-based chemoproteomic methods for the target identification, which can be applied with complicated biological models, has the advantages of high reproducibility and high accuracy in indiscriminately determining the protein targets. Since it becomes the most important tool in the discovery of natural product targets, herein we would like to provide a holistic perspective of these chemoproteomic methods, including their principles, pros and cons, the range of application, and representative examples.


