
Treatment of Pediatric Febrile Seizure Based on Syndromes Identification of "Heat, Phlegm, Fright and Wind"

  • 摘要: 热性惊厥是儿科临床常见的一种急重病,防治小儿热性惊厥,应当遵循病证结合、既病防惊、未病防病的原则。急性发作期以止痉为先,辨热、痰、惊、风四证,以清热、豁痰、镇惊、息风为基本治法;起病初始尽早采用解热、镇惊药物如羚珠散等,防止热甚生惊;发作间期调整患儿体质,自拟金屏汤补肺固表、养心平肝,从而达到未病防病,预防外感发热,减少、减轻惊厥发生之目的。


    Abstract: Febrile seizure is a common clinical emergency and intensive disease in pediatrics, the prevention and treatment of pediatric febrile seizure should follow the principles of combining disease and syndrome, preventing seizure with the development of disease, and preventing diseases before onset. During the acute exacerbation period, the basic treatment is to clear heat, eliminate phlegm, relieve seizure, and stop wind based on performing antispasmodic measures for the first, and identifying four syndromes including heat, phlegm, fright, and wind. At the initial stage of the disease, antipyretic and antispasmodic medicine such as Lingzhu powder should be applied as early as possible to prevent seizure caused by extreme heat. During the interictal period, the main treatment is to adjust the physical condition. Jinping decoction is prescribed to supplement the lung and consolidate the exterior along with nourish the heart and calm the liver, to achieve the purpose of preventing before disease onset, preventing fever from external contraction, and reducing the occurrence of seizure.


