
TCM Master Zhou Zhongying's Experience on Treating Osteoarthritis from the Theory of Collateral Disease

  • 摘要: 周仲瑛教授基于叶天士的络病理论探讨骨关节炎的发病机制,认为肾虚血亏、络脉空虚为发病基础,络脉痹阻为致病关键,病理性质属本虚标实,提出补虚充络、散滞通络的治疗原则,以补虚充络、辛味通络、虫蚁搜风通络三法论治,并自拟骨痹方,取得了较好的临床疗效。


    Abstract: Based on Ye Tianshi's theory of collateral disease, professor Zhou Zhongying explored the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis, held that the kidney and blood deficiency, and collaterals empty were the pathological basis, and collaterals obstruction was the main cause. The pathological nature pertained to root deficiency and branch excess. On this basis, professor Zhou Zhongying proposed the therapeutic principle of tonifying the deficiency, filling the collaterals, unblocking the collaterals, and applied three treatment methods of tonifying the deficiency and unblocking the collaterals, prescribing pungent medicinal to unblock the collaterals, using insects to scatter wind and unblock the collaterals. In addition, he prescribed self-made Gubi formula and obtained significant clinical effects.


