
Experience in the Staged Treatment upon Primary Glomerulopathy Based on the Theory of"Treating Kidney Diseases by Regulating Lung"by Distinguished Chinese Medicine Master Zou Yanqin

  • 摘要: 肺与肾密切相关, 国医大师邹燕勤教授运用“肾病治肺”法分期辨证治疗原发性肾小球疾病。急性期祛邪治标, 以清咽宣肺为先, 疏风宣肺以消风水; 缓解期标本兼治, 以补肺清利为重, 安正以祛伏邪; 恢复期扶正治本, 以益气固卫为护, 滋养肺肾以固根本。


    Abstract: The lung and kidney are closely related. Professor Zou Yanqin, a distinguished Chinese medicine master, has applied the theory of "treating kidney diseases by regulating lung" to treat primary glomerulopathy based on different stages. At the acute stage, clearing throat and ventilating lung are adopted to eliminate pathogens and alleviate symptoms, followed by dispersing wind and ventilating lung to reduce wind edema. At the remission stage, the symptoms and the root causes are both treated with replenishing the lung and clearing away the damp-heat, restoring the healthy qi to remove latent pathogens. At the recovery stage, the treatment is to support the healthy qi and treat the root cause by tonifying qi and consolidating defensive qi along with nourishing the lung and kidney to strengthen the root.


