Study on the Chinese Medicine Master Xia Guicheng's Static, Dynamic, Ascending and Descending Medication Concepts in Gynecology
Graphical Abstract
Professor Xia Guicheng provides that the female menstrual cycle is mainly regulated by heart-kidney-uterus axis, and is coordinately regulated by liver and spleen, on the basis of which, this study provides that his medication also contains the static, dynamic, ascending and descending movements within the waxing and waning and conversion of yin and yang. According to this understanding, Professor Xia Guicheng applies periodic rhythm regulating method to regulate menstrual cycle. His medication is characterized by the combination of static, dynamic, ascending and descending. The medication during the postmenstrua is mainly characterized by static and descending, the intermenstrual period is mainly characterized by dynamic and ascending, premenstrual period is mainly characterized by the combination of static and dynamic, and the menstrual period is mainly characterized by dynamic and descending. Moreover, under the guidance of heart-kidney-uterus axis, his medications for treating disease such as pregnancy diseases and menopausal syndrome also are characterized by static, dynamic, ascending and descending.