Clinical Observation of 62 Cases of Shoulder-hand Syndrome after Cerebral Infarction Treated by Herbal Soaking plus Acupuncture and Massage Therapy
Graphical Abstract
OBJECTIVE To observe the clinical effects of herbal soaking plus acupuncture and massage therapy in the treatment of shoulder-hand syndrome after cerebral infarction. METHODS 122 cases of shoulder-hand syndrome after cerebral infarction were randomly divided into the treatment group(62 cases) treated with herbal soaking plus acupuncture and massage therapy, and the control group(60 cases) treated with single rehabilitation therapy. After the treatment, observing the clinical effect by Fugl-Meyer, NPS, Ashworth, SAS, SDS as well as SS-QOL scores, thus evaluating the life qualities of patients. RESULTS Compared with pre-treatment, clinical effects of the two groups were remarkable to different degrees. Motor function of upper limb had improved (P<0.05, P<0.01). Symptoms (including pain and spasm of upper limb) were relieved and cognitive function as well as SS-QOD scores were improved (P<0.05, P<0.01). In terms of curative effect, the treatment group was superior to the control group. CONCLUSION Herbal soaking plus acupuncture and massage therapy can improve the curative effect of shoulder-hand syndrome after cerebral infarction.