刘洁, 何晓瑾. 基于脾火论辨治原发性干燥综合征[J]. 南京中医药大学学报, 2024, 40(5): 435-439. DOI: 10.14148/j.issn.1672-0482.2024.0435
引用本文: 刘洁, 何晓瑾. 基于脾火论辨治原发性干燥综合征[J]. 南京中医药大学学报, 2024, 40(5): 435-439. DOI: 10.14148/j.issn.1672-0482.2024.0435
LIU Jie, HE Xiaojin. Differentiation and Treatment of Primary Sjögren's Syndrome Based on Spleen Fire Theory[J]. Journal of Nanjing University of traditional Chinese Medicine, 2024, 40(5): 435-439. DOI: 10.14148/j.issn.1672-0482.2024.0435
Citation: LIU Jie, HE Xiaojin. Differentiation and Treatment of Primary Sjögren's Syndrome Based on Spleen Fire Theory[J]. Journal of Nanjing University of traditional Chinese Medicine, 2024, 40(5): 435-439. DOI: 10.14148/j.issn.1672-0482.2024.0435


Differentiation and Treatment of Primary Sjögren's Syndrome Based on Spleen Fire Theory

  • 摘要: 基于脾火论辨治原发性干燥综合征(pSS)。论述了脾火论的理论内涵, 并区分脾火与阴火及其他脏腑之火的差异。阐释了脾火论与pSS的相关性, 认为脾气亏虚, 运化无权, 脾不升清,郁而化火是pSS病机关键; 久而病及他脏, 导致络脉瘀滞是pSS的病机转化特点。以健脾益气, 除火润燥, 生津通络为pSS的治疗大法,为pSS的中医辨治提供思路与方法。


    Abstract: This article focuses on the differentiation and treatment of primary Sjögren's syndrome(pSS) based on the spleen fire theory. The connotation of the spleen fire theory is discussed, and the differences between spleen fire and other visceral fire such as yin fire are distinguished. The correlation between spleen fire theory and pSS is explained, and it is believed that spleen deficiency, lack of power to transport and transform, spleen failure to raise nutritious substances, stagnation transforming into fire are the key to its pathogenesis; the pathological transformation of pSS is characterized by the long-term damage of spleen soil to other organs, resulting in the stasis of collaterals. Invigorating the spleen and replenishing qi, removing fire and moistening dryness, generating fluid and unblocking collaterals are the main treatment methods, which provide ideas and methods for the traditional Chinese medicine differentiation and treatment of pSS.


