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谭艳 曹洋 罗敏辉 夏叶婉 王鑫 牛子青 章薇

谭艳, 曹洋, 罗敏辉, 夏叶婉, 王鑫, 牛子青, 章薇. 从因瘀致郁论治卒中后抑郁[J]. 南京中医药大学学报, 2023, 39(6): 507-512. doi: 10.14148/j.issn.1672-0482.2023.0507
引用本文: 谭艳, 曹洋, 罗敏辉, 夏叶婉, 王鑫, 牛子青, 章薇. 从因瘀致郁论治卒中后抑郁[J]. 南京中医药大学学报, 2023, 39(6): 507-512. doi: 10.14148/j.issn.1672-0482.2023.0507
TAN Yan, CAO Yang, LUO Min-hui, XIA Ye-wan, WANG Xin, NIU Zi-qing, ZHANG Wei. Treating Poststroke Depression from the Perspective of Depression Caused by Stagnation[J]. Journal of Nanjing University of traditional Chinese Medicine, 2023, 39(6): 507-512. doi: 10.14148/j.issn.1672-0482.2023.0507
Citation: TAN Yan, CAO Yang, LUO Min-hui, XIA Ye-wan, WANG Xin, NIU Zi-qing, ZHANG Wei. Treating Poststroke Depression from the Perspective of Depression Caused by Stagnation[J]. Journal of Nanjing University of traditional Chinese Medicine, 2023, 39(6): 507-512. doi: 10.14148/j.issn.1672-0482.2023.0507


doi: 10.14148/j.issn.1672-0482.2023.0507

国家自然科学基金面上项目 81973956





  • 中图分类号: R277.7

Treating Poststroke Depression from the Perspective of Depression Caused by Stagnation

  • 摘要: 卒中后抑郁是脑卒中后常见的并发症,对脑卒中患者的预后产生深远影响。介绍了因瘀致郁理论渊源,因瘀致郁病机内涵主要包括两点:脑络瘀阻,神机失用;心神失养,郁证乃生。并对因瘀致郁与卒中后抑郁的现代生物学机制进行探讨,认为卒中后抑郁病理机制与低脑血流量、血小板功能障碍、内皮功能损伤、脂代谢异常、炎症反应等因素密切相关。从形神共治的角度提出卒中后抑郁的治疗以活血解郁为主,不仅要对卒中本身进行治疗,还要重视因病而导致的心理障碍的识别与干预。


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