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赵鸣芳. 辨病辨证并治与辨证论治的比较研究[J]. 南京中医药大学学报, 2022, 38(8): 655-665. doi: 10.14148/j.issn.1672-0482.2022.0655
引用本文: 赵鸣芳. 辨病辨证并治与辨证论治的比较研究[J]. 南京中医药大学学报, 2022, 38(8): 655-665. doi: 10.14148/j.issn.1672-0482.2022.0655
ZHAO Ming-fang. Comparison between the Diagnosis and Treatment Model in Differentiating Combined with Treating Diseases and Syndrome and the Theoretical System of Treatment According to Syndrome Differentiation[J]. Journal of Nanjing University of traditional Chinese Medicine, 2022, 38(8): 655-665. doi: 10.14148/j.issn.1672-0482.2022.0655
Citation: ZHAO Ming-fang. Comparison between the Diagnosis and Treatment Model in Differentiating Combined with Treating Diseases and Syndrome and the Theoretical System of Treatment According to Syndrome Differentiation[J]. Journal of Nanjing University of traditional Chinese Medicine, 2022, 38(8): 655-665. doi: 10.14148/j.issn.1672-0482.2022.0655


doi: 10.14148/j.issn.1672-0482.2022.0655


  • 中图分类号: R241

Comparison between the Diagnosis and Treatment Model in Differentiating Combined with Treating Diseases and Syndrome and the Theoretical System of Treatment According to Syndrome Differentiation

  • 摘要: 辨病辨证并治是中医经典的诊疗模式,由《伤寒杂病论》确立。病因病机是疾病的本质,辨病治疗是围绕疾病的病因病机进行立法处方用药治疗。证是疾病的症状,可以单个出现,也可以多个同时出现。辨证治疗即是应用方药针对症状的直接治疗,辨病辨证并治强调辨病治疗与辨证治疗同步进行。现代中医界确立的辨证论治理论体系实质上是辨病因病机治疗,在中医学发展的过程中,逐渐暴露出一些问题。文章提出中医学的发展应该回归经典,传承精华,从恢复“证”的本义做起,提倡辨病辨证并治精神。


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